News & Press: PROMPT News

Meet us at the 2022 ASHA Convention!

Monday, September 26, 2022   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Lisa Cantrup


The PROMPT Institute will exhibit at the 2022 ASHA Convention. This year the theme is Resilience Reinvented and it takes place in New Orleans, LA from November 17-19th, 2022. We hope to see you there!

Visit us at Booth #1029 to:

  • Register for a raffle to win one of 3 free PROMPT workshop registrations 

  • Get a $100-off coupon to any of our Intro workshops* (Zoom or Online Modules)


Exhibit Hall hours:

  • Wednesday, November 16th from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Welcome (Back!) Reception

  • Thursday, November 17th from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

  • Friday, November 18 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


What ASHA is saying about the theme: 


Our 2022 theme, “Reframe Your Thinking: Resilience Reinvented,” is a challenge to reexamine how we think of resilience. ASHA members embody resilience. You teach resiliency skills to help your patients, clients, colleagues, and students, but never have you needed to embrace and draw upon your own knowledge and skills more than over the past couple of years. Resilience is not just an ability to learn from challenges and rebound, but an opportunity to use the foundational building blocks we all have that allow us to grow. The path to resilience is different for everyone and draws on our unique strengths, resources, and support systems. This year we are reframing, rethinking, and reinventing resilience by appreciating our skills, celebrating our discoveries, and taking pride in how we’ve grown, both professionally and personally.

If you have any questions about our participation at the ASHA convention, just email us at To register yourself visit,



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P.O. Box 4249

Santa Fe, NM, 87502-4249 USA





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